Make yourself comfortable as we will explain it to you briefly in this article.
A Social Security Number (SSN) is a 9-digit number that the United States government issues to all American citizens and eligible residents who apply for one.
The government uses this number to
track earnings and the number of years that each person has worked in their
But … What is done with the SSN card?
Each time you are hired for a new job,
your employer will ask you for this number, and the accounting department will
use it to inform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) about your income and
inform the Social Security Administration about your salary.
What else can the SSN do for me?
• When you retire, you’ll get your
pension through it.
• In case of having to request
disability income.
• Banks may require your SSN to open a
bank account.
• When applying for a federal loan.
• Unemployment benefits.
• To enroll in Medicare or Medicaid.
• When applying for your American
The SSN card should never be carried, unless you need it to complete a procedure or your employer asks you to register it. If you lose this card, you have to go to the Administration of the SSN and process a new one, the process is very simple, but you have to be there in person, so sometimes you have to lose hours of work to be able to do it.
We recommend that all documentation you have where your SSN is written, are well kept in a safe place.
I hope you liked this information and that it was valuable!