Many people do not know how much money they can carry when travelling to the United States and therefore they want to bring it in cash to avoid using their credit cards or thinking that, in this way, they avoid paying any taxes. Is this your case? Not sure how much money you can travel to the United States with? Then this article is for you!
As reported by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP, for its acronym in English), all passengers are free to enter the United States with the amount of money they want. It is legal to transport any type of currency or monetary instrument, regardless of the amount, and does not entail the payment of any tax. However, you must meet a requirement if you want to transport more than $ 10,000.
The only requirement to be able to enter more than $ 10,000 to the United States is to declare the exact amount. The declaration is made through a form called “Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments” (CMIR, for its acronym in English). Entering with more than $ 10,000 and not completing the form is considered a federal offense.
If you travel with more than $ 10,000 and do not declare it, your money can be confiscated. The reason is that CBP assumes that this money comes from international laundering and / or drug trafficking. Also, you could get arrested.
What happens to the money that you do not declare?
If you have entered with more than $ 10,000, you have not declared it and the CBP has found it and confiscated it, you can request the return of the seized money. To do this, you must be able to demonstrate that the source and intended use of the money are legitimate.
We recommend that all future travelers always inform themselves about the regulations of each country so as not to have problems when entering or leaving it. In the following CBP link you can find interesting facts to take into account for your next trip.
Remember that if your intention is to emigrate to the United States, there are certain immigration processes, such as the E2 Investor visa, where you must meet certain requirements to apply for it. One of them is to demonstrate the origin and traceability of the capital. Therefore, the question of “How much money can I travel to the United States with?” is very frequent.
If you have any questions, you can contact us today to request an appointment at our Immigration Law Office in Miami or Orlando. We are here to help you. On our website you can find more articles related to emigrating to the United States and places to enjoy.
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